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We aim to post within 3 days. However if we are a few days late please forgive us as we may be helping on some urgent Ukraine project.

You can really make a difference!
The more you buy or donate, the more we can take to Ukraine. We convert money to aid and using a network of volunteers, we get aid to where it is needed.

suggestion box
If you feel you can contribute or have a suggestion, please contact us using the variouse methods.

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Ukraine War, 2 Years On…A Volunteers Perspective.
24th February 2022 was the morning my life changed forever. I woke that morning to [...]
Dnipro the game changer!
Our last trip took us to Dnipro. Many things will stick with me from that [...]
An article my workplace published as part of their continued support in me / our group & Ukraine.
Our team have been donating items to Ukraine, organised by Darren Keyworth, Anaesthetic Practitioner who [...]